Kara Update


This past month has been a season of new beginnings.

I have begun a new group for teenage girls, I will be living with 3 new roommates, and we began a new series on identity with our women’s Bible study. It has been amazing to see how God has clearly been at work through all of this!


  1. I have officially decided to extend my time here in Spain by another year (until February 2023). It has been clear to me that the Lord is not yet done with me here. I am excited to see how He will continue to work in me and how He will continue to grow the relationships that he has opened the door for.

  2. This year I launched a girl's group for young women between ages 16 to 25. The purpose of the group is to bring together young women from diverse faith backgrounds in order to share the gospel with those who do not yet know Christ, while also discipling those who do, to deepen their faith and build relationships with their community. This is done through group exercise and sport, language groups, Bible study, and Saturday events.

  3. It has been a challenge living alone since I returned back to Spain in January, so I am all the more excited to be living with three of my friends in my current apartment beginning in April!

Join me in prayer:

  1. I am convinced now more than ever that only the Spirit of God can change our hearts. Pray that the Spirit would work in our women's Bible study, understanding to the words shared, while also depending the faiths of the girls. Pray it would be a community of joy and refreshment for all!

  2. Pray that members of the local Church would grow in desire to reach the tens of thousands of immigrants who share their city.

  3. Pray our team would be known in the community for our love for the Lord, our love for one another, and our love for the diverse members of this community.

Christ Chapel