Children's Ministries Updates
Starting September 8th!
Safe Place Training
Safe Place Training is a child abuse prevention program. All individuals who are working with our children or youth have completed this program.
What does Sunday morning look like for children?
We have Sunday School for children and adults from 9-9:45 am. Church starts at 10 and we invite children to remain with their families during the worship and participate with the larger body of Christ. Children ages 3 years old-4th grade will be dismissed before the sermon begins to meet up in a classroom for age appropriate teaching.
Ages: 0-3 years old*
*Potty-trained 3 year olds who are able to participate in a group setting are invited to join us in Sunday School.
We provide a clean, caring and safe environment, where children can experience God’s unconditional love. Nursery care is available during Sunday School and the entire service time.
Sunday School
To teach about Jesus Christ, what it means to have a personal relationship with him, and the Trinity.
To disciple children through teaching about the Bible, encouraging scripture memory, model and provide opportunity for prayer, service, and application of biblical principles.
To nurture relationships among the children with their teachers, and the broader church family.
Play N Pray
Ages: 3 years old through Kindergarten
A great program that transitions between nursery to a more structured learning environment with kid-friendly songs, lessons, crafts, and playtime.
To understand that the Bible is God's Word for us.
To know Bible stories and how they fit together in the overall redemptive story of the Bible.
To begin understanding basic Biblical concepts (e.g. sin, forgiveness, salvation).
Ages: 1st through 4th grade
This is a more structured classroom setting that provides age-appropriate foundational biblical literacy.
To know how to use a chapter and verse Bible
To know the books of the Bible
To understand foundational concepts (e.g. worship, salvation, communion, baptism, tithing)
Bible literacy
Special Children's Ministry Events
We offer several special events throughout the year, including VBS, a Christmas play, children’s fellowship nights, and more. Please check the church website for more information.