COVID-19 and Christ Chapel Update #2

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** No Service This Sunday **

Dear Christ Chapel Family,

As the COVID-19 situation evolves, we are trusting in the Lord for wisdom and discernment. Through continued due diligence and ongoing response to new information, we are reminded that we belong to the Lord and it is in Him and His Sovereignty that we trust. Fear has seemingly spread faster than the virus itself. While a certain measure of fear can be useful, lifesaving even, we have not been given a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, and love and of a sound mind. Please know that you are prayed for. Lay before the Lord any fears or anxieties you feel, He is our comforter. Let us come together in a spirit of unity in looking to Christ and seeking where he would use us in and through this situation.

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High

    will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,

    my God, in whom I trust.” Psalm 91:1-2 

Given the broad age range in our body and the likelihood of someone within our body carrying coronavirus (actual viral infections are far greater than confirmed cases), we feel it prudent to help contain the spread of the virus by not gathering for service this weekend. We understand that some may find this premature. Please know that this is not a knee-jerk reaction. We have many children and older folks who interact closely every week. We feel compelled to protect the elder from the younger who are known to be carriers even while asymptomatic. Thoughtful precautions and protocols at this early stage will help protect our family and our communities; especially the most vulnerable. Please continue to pray that the impact of this pandemic is minimized through a thoughtful and careful response by all and that the church is recognized in this time for its love. We will resume normal gatherings as soon as it is safe and wise to do so, but in the meantime, be thoughtful and inclusive in how you worship in smaller gatherings on Sunday.


We are working to provide the entire body with access to a weekly message. Pastors Jeff and Ryan are putting together a video of a message to be posted on-line, we’ll continue to do so in the coming weeks as necessary. Though we will not gather as a full body, we admonish you to maintain your normal pattern of worship through song, hearing God’s word, prayer, giving and loving each other. Keep your brothers, sisters, and neighbors in mind, we can all pick up a phone, send an email or lend a helping hand to those in need.

If anyone needs grocery or medication pickup, an errand that needs attending, or any other help please reach out so that the deacons can organize assistance through our Christ Chapel Cares deacon ministry:


Don’t miss an encouraging message from John Stumbo, President of The Alliance:


PSA: Please wash your hands with warm water and soap often, stay away from large groups as much as possible, and follow the directions of the CDC regarding self-imposed isolation, as needed.

Continuing in prayer, 

Christ Chapel Leadership

Christ Chapel