Our youth ministry helps young people come to know Jesus Christ and grow in their faith.

Here are three ways we do this:


It is our goal at Christ Chapel to creatively reinforce and come alongside parents in their biblical mandate to spiritually raise their children.


Youth are an integral part of the church today. We provide ways for our teens to be full participants in the life of the church here at Christ Chapel.


We provide a consistent, fun, and safe place for teens to gather for worship, teaching, service, peer leadership, and community.

Epic and Morph Youth Ministries

Our youth ministry is a Jesus-Centered environment intentionally designed to reach every kind of student – the student who has grown up in church and the first-time visitor. Our motto is “Belong, Believe, Become”. Our youth program creates an environment that helps students belong even before they believe. These values are foundational in achieving our ministry objectives. We believe a fun environment strengthens the relational connections between leaders and students. Reggie Joiner writes “Fun over time convinces your students you actually like them, and deepens and strengthens your relationship with them.”

  • We believe creating space for young people to connect in a consistent and safe environment is vital. We do this through fun and interactive games, food, and down time. This looks different for middle school and high school.

    “When grace and understanding abound, the church becomes the primary community where everyone can belong.”*

  • We create an environment where students learn and grow by listening, asking questions, and respectfully sharing their ideas. We believe in engaging both mind and heart with the Truth of God’s Word. The whole Biblical narrative of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration is integrated into the scope and sequence of our curriculums. This is done in both small and large group settings, setting the table for transformation.

    “The church is a community in which you can come as you are, and experience freedom from sin and whole-life transformation.”*

  • Our youth ministry environment is a place where we foster generosity on many levels. We want our leaders to be generous in caring for our students, and our students to be generous with others. Living generously is living beyond ourselves in service and sacrifice.

    “When we create space for using our gifts, whole- life transformation accelerates and the mission of Jesus moves forward.”*

Morph   grades 5-8

Tuesday Nights, 6:30 - 8:00pm
Middle Schoolers, get ready! Morph is a fun, high energy, interactive safe place where young teens can come and belong, learning more about personal faith in Jesus Christ.

Epic    grades 8-12

Tuesday Nights, 6:30 - 8:30pm
Students who are looking to explore a faith in Jesus and for Christian teens who want to grow and mature in their faith.  Epic is a great time to invite friends. You can expect it to be fun, meaningful, interactive and challenging. 

Contact John and Tara Tuttle with questions at tarab330@gmail.com

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