Waiting with Expectation
Dear Friends,
Waiting requires patience. If we’re honest, no one truly enjoys waiting. Yet, how we wait is often determined by what we are waiting for. The experience of waiting for a necessary surgery is vastly different from waiting for a long-anticipated vacation. Though the length of time may be the same, our emotions shift our perception of it. Time itself does not change—seconds, minutes, and hours remain constant—but our hearts interpret the passage of time through the lens of expectation.
When we consider the return of Christ, what emotions arise in our hearts? Do we long for that day with eager anticipation, or does the thought stir hesitation? Scripture reminds us that Jesus will return at an hour we do not expect (Matthew 24:44). As His bride, we are called to be ready.
Just as a traveler prepares for a long-awaited journey—checking tickets, packing bags, and eagerly counting down the days—so should we prepare our hearts for the glorious return of our Savior. The joy of seeing Christ face to face should stir us to holy living, to deepen our love for Him, and to share the gospel with urgency.
J.B. Vaughan expressed this hope so well:
"There’s a blessed time that’s coming, coming soon,
It may be morning, or at noon,
The wedding of the bride, united with the groom,
We shall see the King when He comes!"
May our hearts be filled with joyful expectation, living each day as though the trumpet could sound at any moment! May we be found ready, longing for the day when we shall see the King in His glory!
With Gratitude, Pastor Jesse